Innovation through academic research programs

Innovation through academic research programs

The SFITS, the right partner
for your academic research programs

Are you looking for

  • An adapted environment to test and validate your concepts
  • A complete ecosystem to foster discussion, receive feedback, and further develop your projects
  • A network to connect with medical experts and field specialists
  • An adapted setting to give you credibility and visibility
  • An adequate platform to create synergies with interventional room professionals
  • A partner to participate in innovative projects: Innosuisse, Swiss National Science Foundation

The SFITS, a testing
 and validation platform

  • Customized test enviroment
  • Close to real-life conditions
  • Safety and security
  • At no patient risk
  • Confidentiality
  • Access to network
  • Direct feedback
  • Experienced and professional team with specific know-how
  • Ethical management of anatomical specimens
  • Adapted surgical infrastructure
  • Modern biomedical equipment
  • Recording services

Projects carried out at the SFITS

Surgical Training for Bowel Endometriosis: A New Wet-lab Model

Dr Stas Shabanov, Dr Jean-Marie Wenger, Dr Jean Dubuisson, Prof. Patrick Dällenback, Dr Nicolas Buchs and Dr Nicola Pluchino elaborated a new training model for the management of severe cases of endometriosis with digestive involvement in particular, with the support of the SFITS.The study objective is « to demonstrate a new wet-lab model for training in conservative bowel endometriosis surgery (shaving and discoid resection) » and is now published in the prestigious Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology (JMIG).

This new and highly realistic model allows the next generation of endometriosis surgeons to acquire adequate training to make bowel surgery safer and more effective.

Biomécanique de la hanche

La coxarthrose est une pathologie fréquente de l’humain vieillissant. Avec les années, l’appareil musculosquelettique de la hanche voit son cartilage s’amincir. Puis, il disparait causant des douleurs devenant insupportables et handicapantes et ne réagissant plus aux anti-inflammatoires ni aux autres médications. Le remplacement prothétique devient inévitable. Les causes sont multiples allant de la génétique, au traumatisme en passant par les maladies rhumatologiques inflammatoires.

Le projet, dirigé par les Professeurs Hoffmeyer et Hannouche, consiste à étudier les forces en jeu dans les mouvements de la hanche. ce projet est soutenu par la Fondation Ceres.

The Intraseptal Course of the Superficial Peroneal Nerve: An Anatomic Study

Prof Didier Hannouche, Dr Silvia Valisena and Dr Axel Gamulin conducted an anatomic study that aimed at describing the Superficial Peroneal Nerve (SPN) transition site and evaluating the occurrence of a peroneal tunnel and an intraseptal SPN variant.

15 lower limbs were used in the SFITS wetlabs, to study the SPN course and its branching, focusing on the transition site to the suprafascial layer.

The knowledge of the anatomy of the SPN course and intraseptal variant is relevant to avoid iatrogenic lesions during operative dissection

Modified Posteromedial Approach to the Ankle – How to Approach Challenging Malleolus Fractures

A comprehensive video produced by Dr Dimitrios Stafylakis, Dr Axel Gamulin and Dr Matthieu Zingg demonstrating the challenging trimolleolar fractures of the ankle. This educational content is published on VuMedi platform.

The SFITS provided infrastructure, team, equipment and anatomical specimens for this project’s completion.

EEG Spatiotemporal Patterns Underlying Self-other Voice Discrimination

Prof. Karl Schaller, Giannina Rita Iannotti, Pavo Orepic and many more studied the Spatiotemporal Patterns Underlying Self-other Voice Discrimination. During their research, they combined psychophysics, voice-morphing technology, and high-density EEG to identify the pattern.

With 26 healthy participants, both with air-and bone-conducted stimuli, they found a self-voice-specific EEG topographic map occurring around 345 ms post-stimulus and activating a network involving insula, cingulate cortex, and medial temporal lobe structures. Specifically, the better participants performed at SOVD task, the less frequently they activated this network.

Neuroprosthetics research project

The “Cognitive Surgical” clinical research project will bring neurosurgery, cognitive neurosciences and neurotechnology together for the first time.

This project will aim at stimulating research in basic neurosciences and neurorehabilitation, at establishing an approach to cognitive neurosurgery and at studying self-awareness after a surgical intervention on brain tissue.

This innovative project will be based on innovative technologies such as virtual reality.

This research project was made possible thanks to the Pictet Fondation de bienfaisance du groupe Pictet.

Respond of the different human cranial bones to pin-type head fixation device

An experimental study was conducted between October 2018 and December 2019 to analyze the puncture hole due to the fixation of each single pin of the pin-type head holder.

The SFITS provided infrastructure, team, equipment and anatomical specimens for this project’s completion.

The analysis signed by Alissa Visentin, Kristina van Dooren, Jan Mertens, Olivier Brina and Prof Karl Schaller has been published in the Acta Neurochirurgica.

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