April 26, 2023 - News

2023 Swiss National Science Foundation Award

2023 Swiss National Science Foundation Award

2021, 2022 and… 2023 !

For the third time in a row, the SFITS participated in the SNSF Scientific Image Competition casts and was awarded!

The SNSF Science Image Competition invites researchers working in Switzerland to make their work visible to the public and the media.

Out of 435 propositions, 19 of them were selected. We are proud to receive the jury distinction on a picture in the “locations and instruments” category.

More about the cast

It rewards photographs, images and videos for their aesthetic quality, their ability to inspire and amaze. The work has to transmit or illustrate a knowledge, to describe a human story or to discover a new universe. An international jury awards a first prize and several mentions in each of the four categories of the competition:

  • Object of study
  • Locations and instruments
  • Women and men of science
  • Video loops

Read 2023 SNSF Press Release

The SFITS 2023 winning picture

Title: Wandering eye

Description: An ophthalmic microsurgeon is practising a surgical technique on a synthetic eye. The development of pedagogical material is aimed at creating realistic conditions for surgical training workshops, before one can operate safely on living patients.

Photographer: Julien Busset

Jury’s comments:

“With beautiful lightning and almost classical staging, the picture tells an inconspicuous and quiet story: an apprentice surgeon honing his craftmanship by patiently rehearsing difficult and delicate gestures.”


Our other 2023 submissions